home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ===================================================================
- // All code unless otherwise posted is licensed under the GPL as specified in license.txt
- // ===================================================================*/
- var gPerFormancingFirstStart = false;
- var gPerformancingVersion = "1.4.2";
- var gPerformancingVersionUA = "1.4.2";
- var gPFFBlogThisText = [false];
- function performancing() {
- //Prefs System | http://www.xulplanet.com/references/xpcomref/comps/c_preferencesservice1.html
- // usage: this.prefs.getBoolPref('somevalue') which in prefs will be performancing.somevalue;
- this.prefsService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- this.prefs = this.prefsService.getBranch("performancing.");// Get the "performancing." branch
- //Pref obvserver, so any change to a pref will cause a live change. | http://www.xulplanet.com/references/xpcomref/ifaces/nsIPrefBranchInternal.html
- //This will call the 'observe' function below everytime a pref changes.
- this.pbiPref = this.prefs.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
- this.pbiPref.addObserver("", this, false); //Pref Change Observer
- //Get Elements
- //We get them here, once, to improve performance
- this.performancing_statusbar_panel = document.getElementById("performancing-statusbar-panel");
- this.performancing_sb_button = document.getElementById("performancing-sb-button");
- //Localization Strings
- // All ours strings are localizable, strings used in javascript are found here
- this.stringBundle = document.getElementById("performancingstrings");
- //Observers
- this._observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
- //this._observerService.addObserver(this, PERFORMANCING_STATE_CHANGED_TOPIC, false);
- /*this._observerService.notifyObservers(null,
- */
- }
- //This is where all the good stuff goes!
- performancing.prototype = {
- //First thing we do is load prefs.
- init: function() {
- //Get the pref and set defaults
- this.getPrefs();
- this.loadPositionPrefs();
- performancingSetPerFormancingPosition();
- this.logError('Done Loading PerFormancing ')
- //window.setTimeout('gperformancing.silentOpenBottomBar()', 8000, true);
- this.showHideCM();
- var appcontent = window.document.getElementById("appcontent");
- if (appcontent) {
- if (!appcontent.performancing) {
- appcontent.performancing = true;
- appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", gperformancing.onPageDomLoad, false);
- }
- }
- //gperformancing.openBottomBar()
- },
- getLocaleString: function(strName, formattingValues) {
- var str = null;
- try {
- var strbundle = document.getElementById("performancingstrings");
- var strbundleFallback = document.getElementById("performancingstrings-fallback");
- if (formattingValues === undefined) {
- try {
- str = strbundle.getString(strName);
- } catch(e) {
- str = strbundleFallback.getString(strName);
- }
- } else {
- try {
- str = strbundle.getFormattedString(strName, formattingValues);
- } catch(e) {
- str = strbundleFallback.getFormattedString(strName, formattingValues);
- }
- }
- } catch (err) {
- //this.printLine("Couldn't get string: " + strName);
- }
- return str;
- },
- //Get prefs and set UI values
- getPrefs: function() {
- this.performancing_sb_button.setAttribute('changed', this.prefs.getBoolPref('changed') );
- },
- launchSettings: function() {
- window.openDialog('chrome://performancing/content/settings.xul', '_blank', 'chrome,centerscreen,resizable=no,dependent=yes')
- },
- launchWindow: function(xulDoc) {
- window.open(xulDoc, '_blank', 'chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes,titlebar=yes,dependent=no')
- },
- launchWindowInTab: function(xulDoc) {
- //window.open(xulDoc, '_blank', 'chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes,titlebar=yes,dependent=no')
- var editorInTab = gBrowser.addTab(xulDoc);
- getBrowser().selectedTab = editorInTab;
- },
- isOpen: function() {
- var theSRC = document.getElementById("perFormancingMidasFrame").getAttribute("src");
- if(theSRC == "chrome://performancing/content/editor.xul"){
- return true;
- }else{
- return false
- }
- },
- openBottomBar: function(doOpen) {
- var bottomBar = document.getElementById("performancing-outerbox");
- var performancingSplinter = document.getElementById("performancingSplit");
- //document.getElementById("performancing-topeditor-bar").setAttribute('collapsed', true );
- //document.getElementById("performancing-navbar").setAttribute('collapsed', true );
- //performancing-navbuttons-small
- var isOnBottom = this.prefs.getBoolPref("display.onbottom");
- var isOnRight = false; //Add a pref here
- if(isOnBottom && !gPerFormancingFirstStart && !isOnRight){
- var theContent = document.getElementById("appcontent");
- theContent.appendChild(performancingSplinter);
- theContent.appendChild(bottomBar);
- gPerFormancingFirstStart = true;
- //bottomBar.setAttribute('insertafter', 'content' );
- //performancingSplinter.setAttribute('insertafter', 'content' );
- }else if(isOnRight){ // Prototype Right Side PFF
- var theGrippy = document.getElementById("performancing-grippy");
- theGrippy.setAttribute("style", "");
- bottomBar.setAttribute("width", "200px");
- var theContent = document.getElementById("browser");
- theContent.appendChild(performancingSplinter);
- theContent.appendChild(bottomBar);
- gPerFormancingFirstStart = true;
- }
- if(doOpen){
- bottomBar.setAttribute('collapsed', false );
- performancingSplinter.setAttribute('collapsed', false );
- }else{
- bottomBar.setAttribute('collapsed', !bottomBar.collapsed );
- performancingSplinter.setAttribute('collapsed', !performancingSplinter.collapsed );
- }
- document.getElementById("perFormancingMidasFrame").setAttribute("src", "chrome://performancing/content/editor.xul");
- //document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tab").setAttribute('class', 'performancing-navbuttons-small' );
- //document.getElementById("performancing-pageinfo-tab").setAttribute('class', 'performancing-navbuttons-small' );
- //document.getElementById("performancing-notes-tab").setAttribute('class', 'performancing-navbuttons-small' );
- //To access inside of the iframe: document.getElementById("perFormancingMidasFrame").contentDocument
- // i.e: document.getElementById("perFormancingMidasFrame").contentDocument.getElementById("messagesource").value
- },
- silentOpenBottomBar: function(){
- var bottomBar = document.getElementById("performancing-outerbox");
- var performancingSplinter = document.getElementById("performancingSplit");
- var isOnBottom = this.prefs.getBoolPref("display.onbottom");
- if(isOnBottom && !gPerFormancingFirstStart){
- var theContent = document.getElementById("appcontent");
- theContent.appendChild(performancingSplinter);
- theContent.appendChild(bottomBar);
- gPerFormancingFirstStart = true;
- //bottomBar.setAttribute('insertafter', 'content' );
- //performancingSplinter.setAttribute('insertafter', 'content' );
- //alert("Dude");
- }
- document.getElementById("perFormancingMidasFrame").setAttribute("src", "chrome://performancing/content/editor.xul");
- },
- //performancing-technorati-tab
- onPageDomLoad: function() {
- //Get the pref and set defaults
- try{
- var myIframeWindow = document.getElementById('perFormancingMidasFrame').contentWindow;
- var myIframeWindowDoc = document.getElementById('perFormancingMidasFrame').contentDocument;
- if( myIframeWindowDoc.getElementById('performancing-technorati-tab').getAttribute('selected') == 'true' ){
- myIframeWindow.setTimeout("performancingUI.getPageInfo('technorati')", 1000, true);
- }else if( myIframeWindowDoc.getElementById('performancing-delicious-tab').getAttribute('selected') == 'true' ){
- myIframeWindow.setTimeout("performancingUI.getPageInfo('delicious')", 1000, true);
- }
- }catch(e){
- //foo
- }
- },
- someAction: function() {
- //Get the pref and set defaults
- var alertText = this.stringBundle.getString("performancing.someaction");
- alert(alertText);
- },
- //Show or hide the Context Menu depending on pref
- showHideCM: function() {
- try{ //Do 'try' in odd case where XUL hasn't initialized yet
- if(this.prefs.getBoolPref('display.hideContextMenu')){ //
- document.getElementById("context-performancing-sep").hidden = true;
- document.getElementById("context-performancing").hidden = true;
- }else{
- document.getElementById("context-performancing-sep").hidden = false;
- document.getElementById("context-performancing").hidden = false;
- }
- }catch(e){
- }
- },
- /*Observe function, currently only observes changes to preferences*/
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if(aTopic == "nsPref:changed"){//If Pref changes (performancing.*), do something
- this.getPrefs();//Make our changes live
- //this.reloadBlogs();
- }
- },
- onMenuItemCommand: function() {
- var alertText = this.stringBundle.getString("performancing.someaction");
- alert(alertText);
- },
- reloadBlogs: function() {
- var alertText = this.stringBundle.getString("performancing.someaction");
- alert(alertText);
- },
- logError: function(amsg) {
- dump(amsg + "\n" );
- },
- savePositionPrefs: function( ) {
- // Foo
- try {
- this.prefs.setCharPref("position.parent_element_id", gPerFormancingParentElementID);
- this.makeToolbarItem(gPerFormancingParentElementID);
- }
- catch (err) {
- this.printLog("\nSetting preference for parent_element_id failed: " + err + "\n");
- }
- try {
- this.prefs.setCharPref("position.insert_before_element_id", gPerFormancingInsertBeforeElementId);
- }
- catch (err) {
- this.printLog("\nSetting preference for insert_before_element_id failed: " + err + "\n");
- }
- try {
- this.prefs.setCharPref("position.insert_after_element_id", gPerFormancingInsertAfterElementId);
- }
- catch (err) {
- this.printLog("\nSetting preference for insert_after_element_id failed: " + err + "\n");
- }
- },
- makeToolbarItem: function( aElement ) {
- var pffStatusBar = document.getElementById("performancing-sb-button");
- if(aElement == "nav-bar" || aElement == "mail-bar" ){
- pffStatusBar.setAttribute("label", "ScribeFire");
- pffStatusBar.setAttribute("class", "performancing-statusbar-button toolbarbutton-1");
- }else{
- pffStatusBar.setAttribute("label", "");
- pffStatusBar.setAttribute("class", "performancing-statusbar-button");
- }
- },
- loadPositionPrefs: function() {
- try {
- gPerFormancingParentElementID = this.prefs.getCharPref("position.parent_element_id");
- this.makeToolbarItem(gPerFormancingParentElementID);
- }
- catch (err) {
- gPerFormancingParentElementID = '';
- }
- try {
- gPerFormancingInsertBeforeElementId = this.prefs.getCharPref("position.insert_before_element_id");
- }
- catch (err) {
- gPerFormancingInsertBeforeElementId = '';
- }
- try {
- gPerFormancingInsertAfterElementId = this.prefs.getCharPref("position.insert_after_element_id");
- }
- catch (err) {
- gPerFormancingInsertAfterElementId = '';
- }
- }
- }
- //Initialize our object.
- var gperformancing = null;
- function onPerFormancingLoad() {
- try {
- gperformancing = new performancing();
- gperformancing.logError('Loading PerFormancing'); //Debuging window, see kb.mozilla.org on how to set up firefox for debug windows.
- } catch(e) { alert(e); }
- gperformancing.init();//Load Prefs
- }
- // ***Declare Globar Variables for Drag and Drop***
- var gPerFormancingCurrentDropTarget = null;
- // the id of the DOM element to position PerFormancing at:
- var gPerFormancingParentElementID = "";
- // the id of the DOM element to insert PerFormancing before
- // if equals to the parent ID, insert as the last child:
- var gPerFormancingInsertBeforeElementId = "";
- // if the insert before fails, try inserting after this one:
- var gPerFormancingInsertAfterElementId = "";
- //Make sure we load on start-up of browser.
- window.addEventListener('load', onPerFormancingLoad, false);